Wishing For a
"Lucky Wishbone" Lunch

by Mary Jane Dougherty

Oh, man!

Wishing for the-one-of-a-kind taste of a Lucky Wishbone hamburger, fries, and soda for lunch. But it's a long way from our home in California.

The Lucky Wishbone opened in 1955. It's close to Alaska Sales and Service on 5th Avenue and Karluk street. They have a drive-thru for your to-go orders. Furthermore, as you enter the Lucky Wishbone, a big friendly hello is shouted out to you, and you're able to purchase a Lucky Wishbone t-shirt or sweatshirt that they sell to their customers

Waitresses are ready to take your order, and by the way, they serve it up fast.

It's still a favorite place for Anchorage residents to go and have a great meal.

When I was a sophomore and my brother Norman was a senior at East High School, we drove down in our 1968 Camaro and had a wonderful after school “snack”. Hamburger, fries and a soda.

Norman and I would talk up a storm and enjoy our snack before going home for dinner.

Later on, another fun memory was when my husband Mike and I would bring our daughter Nikki and son Chris to The Lucky Wishbone on Saturday after the movies.

Nikki and Chris would order the children's burger. And one of the things they liked best was sitting at their table.

Mike's favorite was a cheeseburger basket with fries, soda and an incredible strawberry shortcake for dessert. Mine was always the same. Hamburger, fries and soda.

Those were memory-making days for me, and Anchorage's Lucky Wishbone will always have a special place in my heart…

Say… I wonder if Mike's hungry for a hamburger lunch now? I know I am!

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"Lucky Wishbone" Lunch

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Love the Wishbone
by: Matt Rustin

My family and I have been going to the Lucky Wishbone since 1965.

My Dad owned the Texaco station two doors up from the Wishbone, back when 5th Ave was a two-way street.

My brothers and I worked at the station and ate at the Lucky Wishbone frequently. Good memories of George and Peggy Brown when we would stop in for lunch or just pick up lunch from the take-out window.

I've lived here for 59 years now, and my Wife and I still go to the Bone.

"Wishbone" Memories
by: Dane Whaley

I was an Air Force Medic at Elmendorf hospital, 1963 to 1965.

The Wishbone was a favorite; good food, friendly, clean, and affordable on our low military pay back then.

51 years later in 2016, my wife and I were back, her first trip to Alaska. Wow, Anchorage had grown, but my first interest was searching out my old 'haunts' - The Wishbone was all that was left and of course we stopped.

Looking for fun with the waitress, I picked up the menu and said, "You've raised your prices since the last time I was here."

She said, "They raise prices on us, we have to raise prices on you." I expected her to say, "When were you here last?" and I'd say, "June 1965."

The hamburgers weren't $1.25 anymore either! But yes, they were good, the chili as well.

Don't go anywhere Wishbone, Maybe I'll see you again in another 51 years!

Loved Their Cold Ham Sandwiches
by: Carrollyn

I loved their cold ham sandwiches.

lots of ham sliced up thin piled on bread with mayo, tomato and lettuce...so good.

Oh, and their fresh strawberry milk shakes...oh yes!

Great Place
by: Mike G.

Many a time we have eaten there in the past, from my years in school up until now.

If you ever want to see who is who during election time, be there on election eve, and you will see many of the major candidates having a Mom, or Pop, or a burger.

A wonderful Anchorage institution, right up there with the Arctic Roadrunner, and Browns!

I Worked There in 1975

Mark Stavenjord, Mark McKee, Gwen, Connie, and I all worked at the Lucky Wishbone way back in the day around 1974-1975.

I hope to connect with these people if possible.

Jeff Stivason

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