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anchorage memories club

*Memories of the Anchorage you love, sent to you by email

*History of Anchorage, Alaska

*Meet the Pioneers who built Anchorage

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Your use of personal history in Anchorage Memories adds just what we need beyond the do you remember the X store. Thank you.”


I’ve learned a lot about my hometown of Anchorage, and you’ve jogged memories of things I haven’t thought about for years. I can only say YAY!” 


Do you remember

“Mukluk Telegraph”?

KENI radio, in Anchorage, had a show called “Mukluk Telegraph”, where they broadcast personal messages for people living in rural Alaska who were far from the nearest phone.

On Mukluk Telegraph, you heard messages like the following:

“flying over from Anchorage this Thursday. should land by noon. Please be there to pick me up.”

Well, we've come a long way since then. Now we use email or text messages.

Do you have a question for Anchorage Memories?

Do you have any comments?

Or, would you just like to say hello to Mike and Mary?

We'll get back to you within 24 hours.

We're Mike and Mary, and we love hearing from our website visitors, and it's oh, so easy to get in touch. Just use the Contact Us form above.

Our website is Anchorage (you're here right now).

Our Offices

Santa Clarita, California

Phone: 661-210-9386

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It's Easy

two boys playing"Can you hear me now?"

Do you remember using two tin cans and some string to talk to your friend?

Most of the time you were saying “hello, hello, can you hear me now?” And of course, your friend kept saying, “what?”

Well, even though they were fun to make and use, today you can put away that string and those tin cans because we use the instant world of email.

With a few keystrokes, you can instantly send us your questions, comments, or just say hello. Ok, it's not as much fun as “Mukluk Telegraph” or even a string and two tin cans. “Can you hear me now?”

Got Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

frequently asked questionsAnswers to your questions

Take a look at our handy dandy Frequently Asked Questions page, and you'll discover how easy it is to post your memories on Anchorage

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Meet Mike and Mary

This website, Anchorage, is a labor of love and is the creation of Mike and Mary Dougherty.

Mary is a local lady, born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska and Mike's family moved to Anchorage when Mike was just three years old.

meet mikeYes, that's Mike behind the shades

Meet Mike and discover how he came to Anchorage when he was only 3 years old and brought his mom and dad with him.

meet mary

Meet Mary (the pretty one) and discover her Alaska heritage.

While Mike and Mary no longer live in Anchorage, they both grew up, met and married in Anchorage.

Born in Anchorage hospitals, both their children, Nikki and Christopher, claim Anchorage as their hometown.

nikki chris and snoopyNikki, Christopher and Snoopy

It's all about family and preserving memories.