In the 1970s, “Mother Moose” premiered on KTVA channel 11 and Anchorage, Alaska TV screens were never the same.
* (Scroll down to hear the Mother Moose theme song and to see a clip from a Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon).
The program was later moved to KENI-TV, channel 2 (now KTUU). The show was created by Larry Beck and Carol Beck (now Edgar). Larry was also known as “Alaska's Ambassador of Good Will” because he traveled Alaska and the lower 48 doing live shows about Alaska and reciting Robert Service stories like “The Shooting of Dan McGrew.”
On the Mother Moose Show, Larry played the part of “The Old Sourdough” and Carol played “Miss Northern Lights”. She also put on the huge, hot and heavy Mother Moose costume.
In addition to Mother Moose and Bullwinkle, the show featured a host of other characters created by Larry and Carol, including “Gorp”, “Glacier Gruff”, “Oil Finch” and “Wrangell Worm.” And Alaska children loved them.
Soon after the Mother Moose TV show premiered on KTVA, Larry and Carol took the show on the road by doing live Mother Moose appearances at local grocery stores and other venues.
Today, the Mother Moose Show remains a fond memory for Anchorage children that are all grown up now and may be all over the world, but they're still fans.
As the author of this story, I had a fascinating connection with the Mother Moose Show.
I was at KTVA and helped Larry and Carol secure the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons for the show. As an interesting side note, to create the Mother Moose TV set, we combined the old KTVA children's show cabin set for “The Buckaroos” with the forest set for the Mother Moose show.
When the Mother Moose show went on the air, I directed countless episodes.
Mother Moose Theme Song
Click on the link below to listen to the theme song.
Watch the Rocky and Bullwinkle Video
Another fun part of the show was everyone's favorite cartoon, “Rocky and Bullwinkle”. Take a moment to enjoy the opening of that super fun cartoon show by clicking on the video below.
“I forgot about the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show until you mentioned it. Thanks for bringing back a memory.” Kevin
Still have some memorabilia that was given to me on that day.
Fond memories.
Mother Moose by: Janelle
I lived in Alaska from 1970-1978 and I grew up with Mother Moose!
Anchorage Kid's TV Programs by: Anonymous
I do remember most of these kids programs.
I was born and raised in Alaska, and lived there till I was 19.
In 1970, I was a 5-year-old girl.
I also remember a TV program they had on around Christmastime for charity and the gifts they collected to put under their tree.
Our third grade class went to the TV studio to sing Christmas songs. I can’t remember the name of the program, but I’m in nostalgia Heaven.
Mother Moose by: Anonymous
Yes, I lived in Alaska from 1970 to 76 as a kid and I definitely remember this TV show.
Loved The Mother Moose Show by: George Lewiel
I’m an Army brat who spent 6 years at Fort Rich, one of the most beautiful experiences for a black child.
Remember this is 1971 to 1976.
I went to the Ursa Minor and Arcturus schools.
I loved Mother Moose and Square Deal Pizza. Oh, and the teen club on Elmendorf l0l, thanks.
I loved her! by: LA Thomas
Hearing that old Mother Moose theme song really brings back great memories of being a little girl in Alaska.
We lived in Eagle River during that time.
I remember fighting with my older siblings who wanted to watch Daniel Boone or some other show. I begged always to watch my favorite Moose.
Growing up in Alaska was such a joy picking Cranberries from Cranberry Hill and trading them for goodies at Nora's Candy Kitchen, building snow bunnies at 2am because it was still light outside and being amazed at the big jade rock in front of Alaskan Woodcraft and seeing old Mr Atwater at the hardware store.
Great memories and that's where my favorite childhood show remains... in the wonderful memories of my childhood. Thank you so much.
A Note from Mike and Mary of Anchorage Memories
Thank you for your kind comment. Glad you were able to listen to the Mother Moose theme song.
Yes, we agree - these are wonderful memories.
Thank you
Memories of the 70s and Mother Moose by: Susan Van Guilder Brignone
Was the picture of the little girl sitting with Mother Moose, was it taken at a store during Christmas?
It looks like it. I was in charge of Mother Moose for a while (her "social life") LOL. I had her at a booth, in a store (I don't remember the name) the children came in and had their picture taken with her instead of Santa - a long time ago.
Larry visited me in Las Vegas just a week or two before we lost him. I was married to a singer, and worked with Larry in the early 70s.
Many memories.
A Note From Mike and Mary of Anchorage Memories
The picture of the little girl (our daughter Nikki) and Mother Moose was taken at Fred Meyer in Anchorage.
Just Wonderful by: Andy Fobes
Really enjoy reading these posts and the rare and sweet posts on the Anchorage Memories Facebook Group.
We were an Air Force family of six, who moved to Anchorage in 1973.
I was enamored with the (Mother Moose) show and the unique vibe and characters. Certainly, in retrospect, the show and its enormous heart, gave me a traceable foundation for a love and understanding of nature and appreciation of love and kindness, as well as literature.
Thank you for the simple gifts of this amazing show.
I still have the record album, but my Wrangell Worm disappeared long ago.
BiLo Jingle by: Catherine
"Why get less when you can get more, when you do your shopping at the BiLo stoooooore." There was a little voice in the background that added "supermarket".
A Wonderful Welcome to Alaska by: Anonymous
My family moved to Anchorage in the fall of 1974 when I was 9 (I turned 9 the day we crossed from Canada to Alaska).
I recall very fondly watching the show, probably from the first day.
I was enamored of Mother Moose and the Old Sourdough who both imparted the Alaskan spirit to my impressionable 9-year-old mind.
Thanks to all who were involved.
I wish I could see some video of the old show.
A Note from Anchorage Alaska Memories
You'll always remember your 9th birthday -
Yes, the Mother Moose Show was a very special part of Alaska television. I was fortunate enough to direct the show on television. Sadly the Old Sourdough (Larry Beck) is no longer with us, but happily Miss Northern Lights (Carol Beck-Edgar) is, and she participates on this page.
While there is no video of the show that we can find, you should also check out the Mother Moose Facebook Fan Page where Miss Northern Lights and others drop by to share their Mother Moose stories.
BiLo Sponsoring Mother Moose by: Carol Beck-Edgar
The BiLo Stores were the first sponsor of the Mother Moose Show, and they remained a sponsor throughout her TV run.
Larry Beck (the Old Sourdough) wrote the BiLo jingle.
The wife of the owner of the BiLo stores was a grade school teacher in Anchorage, and she arranged for some school children to record the song. I seem to recall they were fourth graders.
Maybe there's someone who remembers doing that recording. I do know that we heard from lots of parents who said that they were badgered by their children to do their shopping at BiLo!
Mamma was a very successful "spokes moose".
Mother Moose BiLo Grocery Store Song by: sheepwolf2004
I remember on the mother moose show, Larry Beck and Carol would sometimes sing the Bi-Lo grocery store song that was also sung in a Bi-Lo television commercial that was aired often at the time.
I think it aired in 1973.
When they were going to sing the song, Larry would get out a sign that looked just like the sign on the Bi-Lo grocery store that was in downtown anchorage where the Federal Building is now.
Does anyone remember the BiLo grocery store song that was in that commercial?
who composed that song, and who performed it on the commercial?
I keep hoping someone will post that Bi-Lo commercial on YouTube.
I also remember a ventriloquist lady who was sometimes on the Mother Moose show, and she had a dummy who was named Cordova Corky and I remember Wrangell Worm who one time tried to steal Mother Moose's bag of Nalley ruffled potato chips when she had fallen asleep on a bench.
The ladies behind Mother Moose by: Carol Edgar
Several people played Mother Moose during her career.
I started off doing both MM and Miss Northern Lights.
But there were times when we needed to have MM and Miss Lights appear together. The ladies we hired to play Mother Moose had to be able to ad lib because there was no script for our shows. Only an outline.
And the first year or so was live, so there were no re-takes. It kept us all on our toes.