The Arsons
on the Varsity Show

by Mark Thompson
(Edmonds, Wa )

The Arsons Band

The Arsons Band

The Arsons were invited to play on the Varsity show early in our career.

Dave Paxton (Farfisa Organ) and I were just beginning to skateboard. The skateboards in those days were narrow with steel wheels like roller skates and not really very forgiving.

We huddled with the producers and decided to skate onto the set right after our introductions.

The set-up was perfect.

We would cross each other's paths just as we got into camera range. Unfortunately, we forgot that there were cables all over the floor. When the 3-2-1 was over we both shoved off and tried to cross each other with perfect timing, we both hit the cables, so the show opened with Dave Paxton and Mark Thompson both doing headers onto the floor.

We both jumped up with our best “We meant to do that” looks on our faces.

Thank God it was in black and white because our faces were beet red.

I don't remember much of the rest of the story. I do tend to remember the times I embarrassed myself in public pretty well, though.


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on the Varsity Show

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Why 5?
by: Steven Taylor

In 1965-66 my band "Why 5?" played on the Varsity Show show a few times.

We wore black ties and Mohair sweaters.

I played guitar and sang some lead and backup. We had four guitars and a drummer.

Fabulous great memories that I will never forget.

Varsity Show Prize Winning Dance
by: Bruce Volk

Barb Sonnentag and I (Bruce ) Paul Volk won a case of Coke for winning a mother was shocked I was dancing in tennis shoes.

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