Three things you had to worry about when you were marching in the Fur Rendezvous Parade.
By Michael R Dougherty
Would you slip and fall in front of the assembled crowd on a patch of snow-covered ice?
Would you be marching behind horses? Horses sometimes leave “things” as they go by.
And would your musical instrument freeze up as you marched along?
anyone who lived, or still lives in or near Anchorage, the yearly Fur
Rendezvous was and is a welcome February break. It's filled with plenty
of fun things to do. There are events like the Fur Auction, Snow Shoe
Baseball and the World Champion Sled Dog Races. There are also Outhouse
Races, a melodrama, and carnival rides.
You could sit in the
warmth of your home and watch the festivities on television, or you
could bundle up and take in any number of fun events all over town.
Now, earlier I mentioned the Rondy Parade, which always included entries from civic groups and floats of all kinds.
year a float was feverishly being constructed with hammers and saws
working fast and furious as the float went along the parade route. A
sign on the float read, “we thought it was “next week.” The float got
plenty of laughs from the happy crowd.
And of course, there were marching bands.
Yes, even though it was cold outside, the local school bands were out in force.
attended East High School and played trumpet in the advanced symphonic
band under the direction of Mr. James Everly. The advanced band played
concerts, played for all the football and basketball games, and marched
in the Fur Rondy Parade.
Marching in the Fur Rendezvous parade was a privilege and a lot of fun. But it did pose a few problems.
we had to march on snow and ice. And that meant while marching in step,
you might hit a slick patch and fall to the snowy ground in front of
everyone along the parade route, including the live TV audience. Talk
about teen insecurity.
Secondly, if you were marching behind a
group of horses, or even one horse, you had to be extra careful not to
step in what the horses may have left behind. Worse yet, you're worried
about slipping on a slick patch of ice and snow and falling into
something the horses left behind. Ugh, double ugh.
important for me to point out that I do not ever recall anyone in our
band who slipped on the ice and fell, or anyone who stepped in what
horses leave behind.
Thirdly, there was always the possibility
that your musical instrument would freeze up. Every time I marched in
the Fur Rondy Parade in the 1960s, my trumpet valves froze up solid
about halfway through the parade. So, there I was, “pretending” to play
my trumpet.
The Fur Rendezvous Festival is an event everyone looks forward to. It was a great escape from those long winter days and nights.
But if you are marching in the Rendezvous Parade, just remember to look down once in a while.
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