Meet Gwennie Thornton, the Alaskan who created one of Anchorage's best loved restaurants.
And learn a secret she has kept all these years.
“I Love this interview with the owner of Gwennie’s.”
Anchorage Memories – Mike and Mary:
Your Gwennie's Restaurant in Spenard became a legend. Did you ever think it would become so popular and loved?
No, I definitely did not. But I am delighted about the success.
Anchorage Memories – Mike and Mary:
When did you first arrive in Anchorage?
Mom and I left for Anchorage on an old-fashioned ship in 1938. I was a month old.
Anchorage, we lived with mama Kimura who made an apartment for us. The
Kimura's were a wonderful family. They later created Nikko Garden.
Anchorage Memories – Mike and Mary:
What did you do before Gwennie's?
I went to work in my Aunt's restaurant on the night of my 10th birthday for about four years.
I lived and worked in Delta Junction and a man came in (his name was
Larry Wike) and he said, “would you like to fly to Clear? I have a lodge
So the next day he came in, gathered me up and off to
Clear. I never went back to Delta. I was about 19, and worked for him
for several years.
Anchorage Memories – Mike and Mary:
When did you get the idea for Gwennie's?
It was when I was working at the Captain Cook Crow's Nest.
Gwennie continues her story:
Gwennie's Diner was located at 2915 Spenard Road, right next to the Fire
Station. We used to pass food through an opening in the wall between us
and the Fire Department.
Anchorage Memories – Mike and Mary:
Your Gwennie's Restaurant menu was very popular. How did you come up with the items to serve?
I worked at the Parris Island Marine Corps Base in South Carolina and cooked breakfast for the Marines.
It was so much fun and I learned a lot about breakfast. I love reindeer sausage, crab, shrimp and all the rest of the seafood.
Anchorage Memories – Mike and Mary:
Do you have a story about Gwennie's that you would like to share?
Something happened to my right arm and I could not hold the dishes or reach up.
So one of the cooks stood beside me and put the platter in my right-hand, so I could dish it up with my left.
Anchorage Memories – Mike and Mary:
When did you sell Gwennie's?
In 1980, I finally decided it was time, so I sold my treasure.
It was heartbreaking. I had worked so hard. I spent many hours a day and enjoyed it all.
lost about what to do, I traveled around Alaska cities, and went to the
lakes. I started to feel better and enjoy myself, and really loved
My attorney had bought a restaurant there and didn't know
how to run it, so he asked me if I would help, and I said yes. He would
fly me down, and I would go into the kitchen and make soups and whatever
he wanted me to do. It was fun.
But I still think a lot about Gwennie's.
Anchorage Memories – Mike and Mary:
Were you still involved with Gwennie's after you sold it?
No, I was not involved.
In the photo above is Gwennie Thorton and George Kimura of Nikko Garden
Anchorage Memories – Mike and Mary:
What are you up to now?
After Gwennie's I retired and moved
to Sequim, Washington and had a restaurant for 25 years.
Then I retired and moved to the Idaho Camas Praire, where the population is 700. It's so nice.
Anchorage Memories – Mike and Mary:
Do you have something you'd like to say to all the fans of Gwennie's?
Yes, I want to say THANK YOU ALL for supporting me all those years.
You made my life happy.
And thank you for all the wonderful things you have said about my restaurant.
I miss Gwennie's and all of you. I made many friends.
If I were 30, I would do it all over again.
“By the way, Susan Butcher, the world-famous sled dog musher, would come in and fry her dog food in our kitchen before we opened. I was afraid to tell anybody. You know how people are.”
Gwennie's Old Alaska Restaurant is still located at 4333 Spenard Road. However, it is no longer owned or operated by Gwennie.
first restaurant, Gwennie's Diner, was located at 2915 Spenard Road,
and Gwennie's Bar-B-Q Restaurant was located in Muldoon.
Favorite Restaurant
by: Wayne Hearne
My family and I ate breakfast at Gwennie's every Sunday for 20 plus years.
Wish we were still in anchorage.
History with Gwennie
by: JoAnna
Gwennie, I enjoyed you at the Captain Cook.
I was happy for you when you bought the restaurant from me, and I felt like you would enjoy it as well as you did.
I hope life is being good to you, as you deserve the best. JoAnna
I knew both “Gwennies” Locations
by: Jenn Wedt
I loved the old Import shop where Gwennie's was located.
enjoyed her breakfast in the Spenard location, but it was very crowded.
So appreciated the extra room and menu at the former Import shop. My
husband and I are there frequently and treat family and visitors there
When we retired to Sequim we were pleasantly surprised to
see Gwennie's, and had to ask if they knew about the one in Anchorage, and of course, they did. We enjoyed Gwennie and her Café frequently in Sequim
for many years.
by: Tawana Carter Borden
I was raised in Chugiak from 1947 to 1969.
When I got married to a military man, we started our journey, ending with us settling in Sequim, Washington in 1986.
Gwennie was an amazing restaurant here which had wonderful food and service.
My son worked there during high school.
We miss it a lot.
by: Jean Pope
Gwennie is one of my very dear friends.
We spent a lot of time together in Anchorage and again in the Seattle area.
A better friend I have never had!
Gwennies History
by: Ed Rosek
Thanks for this interview, Michael.
It was great to hear the history from Gwennie herself.
I know there are so many people I knew who just loved Gwennie's.
I had friends visit from the lower 48, that's one of the places I would
take them. It was almost always for the Reindeer Sausage–my personal
favorite… so very Alaskan!
She has a remarkable story, and she
will always be a part of Alaskan history. A true pioneer in her time and
a great example of Alaska's tough residents.
by: Joe O'Hearn
We ran across Gwennie's by chance and breakfasted there daily whilst there.
A real classic frontier eatery. Very deceiving from the outside but all Alaskana on the inside.
Great food. Good service. One of their features is all the nostalgia hanging about the building.
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*History of Anchorage, Alaska
*Meet the Pioneers who built Anchorage