Fur Rondy Corn Dogs

Yes, those Fur Rondy Corn Dogs are a tasty treat on a cold winter's day.

fur rondy corn dogs

“I read the sign, “Corn Dogs 25 cents”. I wondered what a corn dog was.”

by Mary Jane Dougherty

Yes! I loved my Fur Rondy corn dogs.

I liked them best with ketchup. My husband Mike told me he liked his with mustard.

It was grand opening night for the Fur Rendezvous back in the early 60s. I stood on 4th Avenue, taking in all the sights of the carnival and rides.

Earlier I had met with my father, “Big Sammy” at the D&D Bar & Café along with my older brothers Roy, Jimmy, Bobby, Sammy and Norman, and my older sisters Cora and Betty.

Big Sammy handed all of us some Fur Rondy money.

My mother, Feodoria, worked at a restaurant on 4th Avenue all day. She would join all of us on Saturday to watch the Fur Rondy parade and later to enjoy a family lunch.

My sister Cora told us all to go to the snack stand because it was time to eat.

I read the sign “Corn Dogs 25 cents”. I wondered what a corn dog was and asked my brother Jimmy. He told me that they put a stick through a hot dog and dip it into batter. And it tasted wonderful.

I gave the clerk my quarter for the corn dog and another for a cup of Pepsi.

We all stood and watched our food being prepared.

It looked like my corn dog was going to taste perfect. Then the clerk handed the corn dog on a stick to me and asked if I wanted ketchup or mustard. I chose ketchup, since that's what I liked on my hot dogs.

Then, I got my Pepsi and my tray and my corn dog on a stick. Norman asked me to be careful because it would be hot.

Gosh, how long would it take before it wasn't too hot to enjoy? I wanted a taste of my corn dog right then.

A few moments went by, and my sister Betty told me to go ahead and take a bite.

Being the youngest, I had so many people taking care of me.

I put my Pepsi on the counter, took off my red mitten and I picked up my corn dog on the stick and dunked it in the ketchup.

Then I took my first bite.

Yes, I loved the Fur Rondy corn dog. The batter was delicious, and the fun part was when Sammy told me to munch around the crunchy part of the batter near the stick. Corn dogs and Pepsi, yep, from that day on, those were favorites of mine at all the carnivals and fairs we went to in and around Anchorage.

The great thing about Fur Rondy going on for three days was that you ate plenty of treats.

That Saturday and we all loved having our mother with us. My family and I introduced her to the tasty corn dog as well, and she liked it just like me… with ketchup.

Happy crunching!


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