Exploding Bread
on the Varsity Show

by Don Kalfas
(Queen Creek, AZ)

On one show, while pitching a live commercial for Gilman's Bakery as my brother Dennis played background piano, I attempted to open a fresh loaf of cellophane wrapped white bread to show the freshness.

Remember, cellophane wrappers on fresh bread were a challenge to open.

It was live TV, so panic set in.

I put the bread on the piano, turned the loaf on end and slammed it with my fist and popped it as if it were a balloon. The bread flew everywhere.

My boss, Chuck Wenger (the former host of “Chuck's DJ Dance Party”), was irate and told me so.

Moments later, the folks at Gilman's called the studio to commend the presentation.

Go figure.

Funny is in the eye of the beholder.

A Note from Mike

Great story, Don -

Live TV is a real challenge and anything can happen.

We look forward to more of your stories.


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on the Varsity Show

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Still Opening His Bread like That
by: Bill Kalfas

My dad still opens his bread like that. Don't let him fool you. :)

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