Anchorage Radio and Television

Take a look at these nostalgic Anchorage Radio and Television Pictures. Remember your favorite local radio and TV shows?

anchorage radio and television picturesWonderful memories in pictures

Who were some of your favorite local radio personalities?

And what were your favorite local TV shows?

The Mother Moose Show Anchorage Kids TV

mother moose tv showThe Old Sourdough and Miss Northern Lights

The picture above is from the very first show.

And once Anchorage kids saw Mother Moose, it was love at first sight.

Larry Beck was the Old Sourdough who told wonderful stories and Carol Beck (now Edgar) was Miss Northern Lights who showed the TV audience how to make crafts, and she sometimes played Mother Moose.

Remember Rocky and Bullwinkle?

A fun part of every Mother Moose show were the cartoon adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle.

The Mother Moose Show, first seen on KTVA channel 11. Later, the program moved to KENI-TV channel 2 (now KTUU).


You can read all about the Mother Moose Show

and remember when.

Take a look at The Mother Moose Story and enjoy.

Theda Comstock, KENI TV Weather Girl

Photo courtesy of Lawrence Chapman

theda comstockShe wasn't really writing backwards

The very first time you watched Theda give you the weather report from behind the map on KENI-TV channel 2, you probably thought what everyone else thought.

“Wow, she can really write backwards.”

But it was just a camera trick.

Just before the weather, the KENI-TV staff “flipped a switch” that reversed the picture on the camera.

So, it looked just like Theda was writing backwards.


Remember Theda Comstock's show, “The Woman's Touch”?

Click on the link below to hear her theme song.

Toy Parade by Burt Kaempfert

Theda Comstock, “The Woman's Touch”, TV Kitchen Set

photo by RB Laurie

Theda Comstock Kitchen channel 2Do you remember Theda?

About the Picture Above:

Taken in the KENI-TV studios in the 4th Avenue Theatre building. This picture shows, “The Woman's Touch”, a popular local TV show hosted by Theda (Conley) Comstock.

Anchorage Radio and Television Pictures

He Holds the Record

ruben gainesAn Anchorage radio favorite

Which Anchorage radio personality holds a record in both Anchorage and Alaska?

Ruben Gaines KHAR radio program “Conversation Unlimited” was the longest running daily program in both Anchorage and Alaska radio history.

His show ran from l946 to l985.

Ruben was also the Alaska State Poet Laureate from 1973 to 1978.


Take a look at Ruben Gaines and Chilkoot Charlie and enjoy.

Bert's Cards and Gifts

live commercials on ktvaAnd now a word from our sponsor

Do you remember seeing those live commercials when you were watching Anchorage TV?

In the behind-the-scenes picture above, circa 1967, Mike Dougherty of Anchorage Memories is behind the camera and Tony K is setting up the display for a live commercial for Bert's Cards and Gifts.


Live TV commercials, didn't always go as planned

Take a look at this fun story Norma Goodman Said What? and enjoy.

Anchorage Radio and television pictures

Fur Rendezvous on TV

keni tv fur rendezvous 1958Al Bramstedt, Ty Clark, Jim Balog, Bill Stewart, Orvil Lake

Remember sitting in the warm comfort of your home, watching television coverage of the World Champion sled dog races that started on 4th Avenue?

It was fun to root for your favorite mushers while watching them on television, with coverage in the early days by KENI-TV.

Remember watching mushers George Attla and Dr. Roland Lombard battle it out?


Remember the theme song for Rondy's TV and radio coverage?

Sleigh Ride in Alaska by De Selvera, 1959

KENI-TV New Anchor, Chuck Henry

keni tv news anchor chuck henry 1960sIn the former KENI-TV studios on 4th Avenue

The simple set of the weeknight, 10:00pm newscast in the KENI-TV (now KTUU) studios.

Chuck Henry is the news anchor shown above. At the time, Chuck was serving in the Army at Fort Richardson. Chuck served with Herb Shaindlin and the two also anchored a show on KTVA channel 11 titled "Your Army Neighbor”.

Chuck went on to become a TV news anchor in Los Angeles, California.

The Varsity Show, Anchorage Teen TV Dance Program

varsity show teen dance programAnchorage teens on The Varsity Show

Broadcast live every Saturday afternoon during the school year.

Anchorage teens could go to the studios of KTVA channel 11 in the McKinley building on 4th Avenue to dance on TV to the latest hit songs.

Following the 1964 earthquake, the KTVA studios moved to Spenard and so did the Varsity Show.

But the show was more than that.

The Varsity Show also gave local teens the opportunity to work on the TV show and earn a scholarship toward their education.


Take a look at this

free Varsity Show e-book

and remember when.

Norma Goodman, Anchorage Talk Show Host

norma goodmanThe “First Lady of Alaska Television”

Norma did a live interview show called Hostess House and later, The Norma Goodman Show, seen Monday through Friday on KTVA channel 11.

Norma also co-anchored KTVA's Eyewitness News with Ron Moore for several years.

Anchorage Radio and Television Pictures

Romper Room, Anchorage Kids TV

romper room anchorageMiss Carolyn (Guess) on the Romper Room Set

Monday through Friday, Anchorage tuned in to KTVA channel 11 to watch local children enjoy an hour of educational fun on the Romper Room TV show.

Remember the oversized bumblebee known as “Mr. Do-Bee?”

Children were told, “don't be a “don't – Bee”, but always “do-Bee” good boys and girls for your parents.


For the Whole Story

take a look at Anchorage Romper Room Memories and enjoy.

Anchorage Radio and Television Pictures

Ron Moore, and the Coke Show

radio dj Ron MooreRon Moore signing autographs

Live radio from “high a top the Bun Drive-In” on Northern Lights “wooly bullyvard”, popular Anchorage DJ, Ron Moore took telephone call-in requests and dedications from area teens.

When it was time for the Coke Show, the parking lot at the Bun filled with cars.

And radios across town brought Anchorage teens together to enjoy the latest hit songs. They could also call in their song requests and dedications while listening to the grand ring master, Ron Moore.

The Morning Show, on KTVA channel 11

morning show ktva anchorageGraphic created by Reni Cortesi

Do you remember waking up with The Morning Show on KTVA channel 11 in 1966 – 1967?

Hosted by Roger Latham with Bill Martin presenting the news. Entertainment included visiting music groups who were playing at local hotels and night spots, as well as local entertainers.

“The Trading Game” was another fun part of the program, where viewers could call in and trade a coffee pot for a picture frame, or whatever was up for trade that morning.


Anchorage Morning Show Memories by Michael R Dougherty

Do you remember watching “The Morning Show” on KTVA channel 11? Did you ever play, the “Trading Game” on the show?

Read on Substack

KoKo the KENI Klown, Anchorage Kid's TV

koko keni klownIn the KENI TV studios

Photo by Jim Zoller

Picture of Bob Zoller and his sister Barbara talking with KoKo.

Great fun for local kids on KENI-TV channel 2 (now KTUU).

KoKo, the KENI Klown (Dick Rand), pictured above, brought fun, laughter, and cartoons to a happy Anchorage audience each weekday afternoon.

Do you remember this show? Were you on the show?

Les Snow, Anchorage Radio Personality

les snowLester Peter Aloysius Snow

Do you remember Lester Aloyisius Snow?

Called Les Snow on the radio (his real name is Gene Miner), in the picture above, he was playing the hits for his audience on KBYR.

Les Snow was an Anchorage favorite.

The Buckaroos, Anchorage Kids TV Show

buckaroo showSheriff John talking with his guests

Anchorage kids' TV with a western flair.

Weekdays at 5:00pm, it was all western fun with cartoons, puppets and games, hosted by Sheriff John of the Buckaroos.


Part of the Buckaroos set was a log cabin. Later, that log cabin became part of the “cabin in the spruce” for the Mother Moose show.

Anchorage Radio and Television Pictures

KENI Radio Building

keni radioOverlooking Westchester Lagoon in Anchorage

The second radio station to serve Anchorage was KENI.

Originally owned by “Cap” Lathrop, the station signed on from studios in the 4th Avenue Theatre building.

Later, the station moved to the location pictured above, which now overlooks Westchester Lagoon.

HiJinks, Anchorage Kids TV Show

hijinksThe early days of Anchorage kid's TV

Do you remember HiJinks?

This daily kid's show got its start on KFIA-TV channel 2 which later became KENI-TV and is now KTUU channel 2.

Notice the bow ties?

Frank Feeman would wear a tiny little bow tie one day, then the next day he would have a gigantic bow tie. He even wore flashy electric bow ties.

The show was a lot of fun. Do you remember HiJinks? Were you on the show?

Anchorage Radio and Television Pictures

The Broadcast Center

anchorage broadcast centerLocated in Spenard

Following the 1964 earthquake, damage to the McKinley Building in downtown Anchorage was so extensive that KTVA channel 11 and KNIK-FM had to relocate.

In the picture above, The Broadcast Center in Spenard, became the new home for KTVA, KNIK-FM, KBYR and the service known as Muzak, which provided the elevator music and background music you enjoyed in stores around town.

You may have walked through the front door of this building to be on the Norma Goodman Show, Romper Room, the Varsity Show or Mother Moose to name a few.

KBYR Super Kar, Looking Cool on Anchorage Streets

kbyr radio disc jockeysA great 1970s radio promotion

Do you remember the KBYR radio Super Kar?

Driven to all kinds of events hosted by KBYR when the station's format played rock and roll hits. This sporty car was a crowd pleaser.

In the picture above, behind the wheel is YR DJ Steve London with radio DJ Mike Pecaro riding shotgun.

KIMO Channel 13 Local News

kimo tv newsDo you remember?

The picture above is a graphic used circa 1970s, to promote the nightly news show seen on KIMO channel 13 (now KYUR).

Do you remember that KIMO started out as KHAR-TV, with its studios located next to KHAR radio?

Channel 13 was the third television station to serve Anchorage audiences.

Theda wasn't Always Cooking

theda comstockKENI-TV studios in the 4th Avenue Theatre Building

Photo courtesy of RB Laurie

When she wasn't cooking up something special, or behind the Alaska map presenting the weather, Theda Comstock did interviews with special guests.

In the picture above, Theda is interviewing Martin Denny, who was in town doing a concert.

Dean Berg, Anchorage TV News Anchor

dean bergA great Anchorage TV Personality

On the cover of Anchorage's TV Viewer is Dean Berg.

Dean first came to Anchorage as the news anchor for KTVA channel 11. He later anchored the news on KIMO with Herb Shaindlin.

Did you know that before coming to Anchorage, Dean was an actor?

He co-starred in the 1957–1958 TV series “Harbor Command” with Wendell Cory. He was also in several movies, including the 1962 Blake Edwards film, “Experiment in Terror” and the 1968 movie “Bullitt” with Steve McQueen.

Anchorage audiences will also remember Dean for his role in the Anchorage mini-movie, “Double-Oh-Marcus; The Spy who Flubbed Me” starring Marcus in the Morning and Herb Shaindlin.


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*History of Anchorage, Alaska

*Meet the Pioneers who built Anchorage

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