You'll Love This Treasure Trove of Wonderful Anchorage Memories

And these Anchorage Memories will help you recall things you haven't thought of in years.

“I was born and raised in Anchorage, and this site brings such joy to my soul!” Teresa

anchorage alaskaDowntown and the 4th Avenue Theatre

Anchorage, Alaska is a unique place and downtown is a rich treasure chest of history.

The 4th Avenue Theatre, (pictured above) first opened in 1947 with “The Jolson Story”.


The 4th Avenue Theatre was an Art Deco, Streamline Moderne and Art Moderne style building. The theater had a combined seating capacity of 1,100 (including the balcony).


Cap Lathrop (the man who built the theatre) was not convinced that a concession stand was appropriate. So for the first years of the movie theatre, there was no concession stand. Eventually, a concession stand was added.

The Oyster Loaf and Woolworths

Woolworth's June 27 1961 Photo by Ward WellsPhoto by Ward Wells

Anchorage Memories

Next to the 4th Avenue Theatre, in the 1950s, on the corner of 4th and F streets, was the Oyster Loaf Café.

Patsy remembers:

“People don't seem to remember the Oyster Loaf Restaurant. Wonderful food and tons of old photos of Alaska history all over the walls.”

Later, in that same location, Woolworth's joined the downtown scene with its fun lunch counter.

“I thoroughly enjoy this Anchorage Memories website. It is absolutely magnificent” Robert

4th Avenue, and the Federal Building

federal buildingCelebrating Alaska's Statehood in 1958

On the other side of 4th Avenue is another Anchorage, Alaska landmark, the Federal Building (pictured above), which takes up an entire block.


At one time, the Federal Building also housed a jail.

Anchorage Memories

Stewarts Photo Shop

stewarts photo shop

Just up the avenue to the east is Stewart's Photo Shop, which is also home to Star, the most famous Reindeer (besides Rudolph) in Alaska.


In 1915, when Anchorage was only a tent city, Oscar Anderson founded the Ship Creek Meat Company. His store was located on 4th Avenue, in the location that would become Stewart's Photo Shop.

The Anchorage Visitor's Log Cabin and City Hall

visitor's log cabin water colorWatercolor by Alaskan Artist Cindy Pendleton

Across the street from Stewart's Photo is the Visitor's Log Cabin and the old City Hall.

The Visitor's Log Cabin (pictured above), with its sod roof (snow-covered in the winter) is a must-see for tourists from around the world. And the old City Hall with its big, inviting lawn is a favorite place.


The Visitor's Log Cabin was originally built in Homer, Alaska, then transported to Anchorage.

I just want to say thank you. I have been in Anchorage since 1953, and you have helped me remember so much.” Lynnie

Kimball's Dry Goods

kimbals dry goodsThe upstairs was the family residence

Anchorage Alaska History and Facts include this gem

Behind City Hall was Kimball's Dry Goods (pictured above), one of the oldest buildings in Anchorage, Alaska, dating back to around 1915 when the town was still just a tent city.


Kimball's stayed in operation from 1915 to 2002.

The building is still home to an Anchorage business. And it is noteworthy that Kimball's is the only commercial building still at its original location from when it was built by Irving L. Kimball, during the founding of Anchorage in 1915.

Downtown Loussac Library

The downtown Loussac Library was a great place to do your homework or browse the many books.


Click on the following link to remember:

This is the Remarkable Z.J. Loussac by Michael R Dougherty

Do you remember the ZJ Loussac Library in downtown Anchorage? ZJ Loussac was an outstanding Anchorage pioneer and this is his story.

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Anchorage Municipal Auditorium

Sydney Laurence Auditorium

At one time, the Anchorage Municipal Auditorium was home to many plays and concerts.


Also known as the Sydney Laurence Auditorium, it was named after one-time Anchorage resident and the most well-known artist in Alaska, Sydney Laurence.

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Great Memories

Look for the word, “BONUS”

You'll discover additional Anchorage Alaska History and Facts.

Find “BONUS” all throughout this Anchorage Memories Website.

The Sears Mall

sears mallThis was the first Mall in Anchorage

When the town first learned that they were going to build a mall, there was excitement in the air.

An area of town off Northern Lights Boulevard that had been nothing more than a bog, was going to be cleared and turned into a shopping center and gathering place.

Favorite stores in Anchorage, Alaska's first mall, included:

Sears, Grandma's Closet, Andy's Carmel Corn, and the Book Cache.


Anchorage Sears Mall Memories by Michael R Dougherty

Do you remember Anchorage before it had a shopping mall? Do you remember when the Sears Mall first opened? Meet Larry Carr the Mall's creator.

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“Thank you for all you do to bring

these Memories to my heart.” Jody

anchorage radio and television memories

Anchorage Alaska History and Facts

include these historic local radio and TV favorites:

  • “Mother Moose”, “The Coke Show”, “The Varsity Show”.
  • Theda Comstock and Norma Goodman
  • Romper Room and Koko the KENI Klown

Local radio and television brought Alaskans together. Popular programs like watching the Fur Rendezvous sled dog races, and listening to the Coke Show with Ron Moore.


Take a look at

Anchorage Radio and Television Memories

and enjoy.

Anchorage Memories

arctic roadrunner2477 Arctic Boulevard location

Enjoy these historic restaurants

places filled with fond memories:

  • The Lucky Wishbone
  • Arctic Road Runner
  • The Double Musky Inn

Residents of Anchorage, Alaska have their favorite restaurant or burger places. Some are gone now.

You'll be hungry when you read these stories.

Take a look at

Anchorage Restaurant Memories

and enjoy

Interesting stories,

love Anchorage Memories.” Christine

Historic Pictures

Spenard Road,
and Fireweed Lane 1955

spenard 1955

Photo above courtesy of John Parker

Remember when Spenard road looked like the picture above?

I love looking at

the photos you share.” Beth

Yes, you'll discover a huge number of photos all over this Anchorage Memories website.

Mike and Mary
Preserve Anchorage Memories

mike and maryThat's Mary on your left and Mike on the right


One of us was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska. And one of us came to Anchorage when they were only 3 years old.

Take a look at our story and enjoy.

We're Mike and Mary Dougherty, and we created Anchorage Memories to keep Anchorage memories alive.

Mary was born in the old Providence Hospital and raised in Anchorage.

You can Meet Mary right here.

Mike first came to Anchor town when he was 3 years old in 1950, and he brought his mom and dad with him. (OK, you do the math, and you'll find out Mike's age).

You can Meet Mike right here.

Now take a look at the Anchorage Memories Club


anchorage memories club

*Memories of the Anchorage you love, sent to you by email

*History of Anchorage, Alaska

*Meet the Pioneers who built Anchorage

Take a look at The Anchorage Memories Club it's FREE